Tatoeba Haha Ga Vol 1-6 + Extra (English)
Hentai manga series by TsuyaTsuya. This story follows mother and her son’s separate lives, as it all slowly converges. Progressive storyline spanning through several volumes. Masaki’s mother is gorgeous and tends to dress very casually at home. When he notices a mosquito bite on her neck, he starts to wonder whether she is dating someone or not.
610MB 1483pages
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“Only mom and i live in this house. When i was in elementary school, she divorced my dad. Since then, she always worked very hard as a single career woman. I don’t know how she does it, but after all these years, she still looks very young. In our lives as mother and son, when we talk, it’s more like we’re roommates than parent and child. We make each other’s lives enjoyable.”
Complete List:
Tatoeba Haha ga Volume 1-6 + Extra Kuro
3 Oneshots: 28+ / 49+ / After